
Skrewdriver is known as a British band with specific style of skinheads who were associated with the racial-hate movement of their country. The boys and their music were characterized as harsh, violent, rood, ignorant and uppish. By all this the band tried to attract the attention of the fans and make them accept their point of view.

Skrewdriver was formed by Ian Stuart and his old friend John "Grinny" Grinton. Actually at first the leader of the band was known as a member of Tumbling Dice which wasn’t a success. After Ian Stuart formed the band together with John "Grinny" Grinton they moved to London where they issued their debut single called "You're So Dumb".

Skrewdriver’s debut album was called All Skrewed Up. It was successful enough, but nevertheless the band had some problems with their label and soon, to be more exact in 1979, they disbanded. But some time later the ban was reformed as its leader was quite sure that their music was able to make a great impact on their fans.

After a short break Skrewdriver returned and after a while released lots of singles. This time the press didn’t close their eyes on the violence on the stage and its influence upon their young fans: a lot of critical articles appeared in the press. However that didn’t scare the musicians, more over on one of their concerts in 1982 they copied all the gestures of a Nazi.

Skrewdriver released a single called "White Power" in 1983 which was the most successful the band had ever issued. The same very year the band signed a contract with the German record label Rock-O-Rama, and pretty soon released their new album called Hail the New Dawn (1994). The main problem was that the band was constantly attacked by the critics.